Four times in a row

One year later, it is the July 1st and I got the email from the Global MVP Administrator. I got the MVP award the fourth time in a row :)

I'm pretty proud and honored about that and I'm really happy to be part of the great MVP community one year more. I'm also looking forward to the Global MVP Summit next year to meet all the other MVPs from around the world.

Still not really a fan-boy...!?

I'm also proud of being a MVP, because I never called myself a Microsoft fan-boy. And sometimes, I also criticize some tools and platforms built by Microsoft (I feel like a bad boy). But I like most of the development tools built by Microsoft and I like to use the tools, and frameworks and I really like the new and open Microsoft. The way how Microsoft now supports more than its own technologies and platforms. I like using VSCode, Typescript and Webpack to create NodeJS applications. I like VSCode and .NET Core on Linux to build Applications on a different platform than Windows. I also like to play around with UWP Apps on Windows for IoT on a Raspberry PI.

There are much more possibilities, much more platforms, much more customers to reach, using the current Microsoft development stack. And it is really fun to play with it, to use it in real project, to write about it in .NET magazines, in this blog and to talk about it in the user groups and on conferences.

In the last year being an MVP, I also learned that it is kinda fun to contribute to Microsoft's open source projects, being a part of that project and to see my own work in that projects. If you like open source as well, contribute to the the open source projects. Make the projects better, make the documentations better.

I also need to say Thanks

But I wouldn't get honored again without such a great development community. I wouldn't continue to contribute to the community without that positive feedback and without that great people. This is why the biggest "Thank You" goes to the development community :)

And like last year, I also need to say "Thank You" to my great family (my lovely wife and my three kids) which supports me in spending so much time to contribute to the community. I also need to say Thanks to the YooApplications AG, my colleagues and my boss for supporting me and allowing me to use parts of my working time to contribute the the community.